3.1 Targeted Landing Pages
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Targeted landing pages are personalized pages to which you direct specific customer audiences, be it through organic posting or paid advertising. These pages provide more specific information about your product or digital service that should make a compelling case for the potential customer to convert.
Travel PPC accounts need to keep an eye on seasonality when deciding on which locations to push. Certain locations are likely to be in higher demand depending on the season. Adjust your PPC bids, demographics, and pause campaigns that depend on seasonal factors, which are very influential in the travel sector businesses. This will include not only seasonal bid adjustments, but also demographic targeting. For example, target young people around the ages of 18 to 24 during summer holiday time if you offer beach break packages in Ibiza or Zante.
Are you offering luxury trips to ski resorts in the Alps? The chances are that the demographics will be different. Pause irrelevant campaigns, such as ads for Christmas market tours of Germany to avoid wasting ad budget on destinations that are very unlikely to sell. The same principle applies to turning on ads for upcoming events in different goals, such as the Venice carnival or Munich’s Oktoberfest.
There are countless of travel destinations around the world for which you can create a Targeted Landing Page. Here you can find an example of the „50 Best Vacation Spots & Places To Visit In The World“ >> Click here
The most visited cities in the world attract as much as 47 percent of all the travelers according to Euromonitor International, an independent research think tank. What the research shows is that the most popular cities, including Hong Kong, Bangkok, and London combined, attract more than 72 million visitors a year. The best cities to visit are often home to some of the world's most iconic sites found around the globe, from Asia and Europe to the Middle East and the Americas. For travelers hoping to find inspiration for their next trip, here is a list of of the top 14 cities in the world to visit:
Top cities in the World:
Paris, France
New York City, USA
London, England
Bangkok, Thailand
Hong Kong, China
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Rome, Italy
Macau, China
Istanbul, Turkey
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Delhi, India
Tokyo, Japan
Antalya, Turkey
There are countless topics for a trip. People specifically ask about eco-lodges. A survey shows that 70 percent of travelers would be more likely to book a property if they know it’s planet friendly, but 72 percent are unaware that eco-certifications exist for vacation stays.
Create topic-related Landing Pages with hotel tips, such as:
Family / Children
Music („Hard Rock Hotels“)
5 Star Restaurants
Special cousin
All Inclusive Service
Pet-friendly hotels
Eco-friendly (green) hotels
Create landing pages for specific age groups, for example 18 to 25 years, over 60 years old or in between.
If you personalize your marketing strategy with Targeted Landing Pages, you can get up to four times more conversions than a more general marketing approach. That fact alone makes the extra work well worth it.
By personalizing your Landing Pages you can reach different audiences in a way that appeals to specific aspirations. Every person has different needs, goals and desires for their next trip. Potential customers are interested in different aspects of your product. So you should make sure that you highlight the audiences they are targeting on separate Landing Pages. This works very well when you market to specific audiences as well.
Creating targeted landing pages on your site is also a huge boost for your Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Essentially this is because you are creating more opportunities to add in keywords and use those keywords effectively on your website, which then effectively draws in potential customers to your site and engages them for a significant amount of time. The more engaged your visitors are, the more visible your site will become to other potential customers seeking the same kinds of digital products or services you offer. It’s a win-win situation.
Don’t ever underestimate the power of a well-designed web page in converting purchases! A targeted landing page that is well-designed should have plenty of white space (it should never look crowded or cramped), it should include images, and should have only one call to action. When it looks like a website your potential clients would be attracted to, pitching them your product or service is that much easier.
Make sure the headline and title of your Targeted Landing Page illustrate to your potential customer how your product or service will improve their lives, replace something they already have (but be much better!). It’s important that the aim of your landing page be clear immediately both from the title and from the headline — you want to ensure that your potential customers landing on the page know exactly what your product will do for them, and feel convinced that they need that very thing in their lives… today!
Similar to the headline and page title, you want to make sure that the benefits of your product or service are front and center on your landing page. Make sure to personalize them as much as possible for the audience that they’re targeting.
It’s essential that each of your Targeted Landing Pages only has one call-to-action. A singular call-to-action gives your customer one ultra-personalized recommendation, and the more seen, heard and understood they feel by the Targeted Landing Page you’ve created to merch them this product, the more likely they are to add to cart right away.
A little ironic to have this one at the bottom, but important to remember nonetheless — keep essential information and the need-to-know aspects of your product or service “above the fold” of your targeted landing page. This ensures that your potential customer understands the product right away, and why he or she should purchase it.
Contrary to what some online sources have you believe, landing pages are not just pages you land on.
A post-click landing page is a standalone page, disconnected from your website navigation, that uses persuasive elements to convince visitors to perform a specific action.
A large amount of ad clicks don’t convert, and a huge part of that is due to the lack of landing page optimization. Many digital marketers focus too little on post-click optimization because pre-click strategies (everything that happens before a prospect clicks your ad) get the lion’s share of attention. That said, pre-click optimization is necessary for a successful ad campaign, but dedicating too much on that results in non-converting clicks. Which amounts to nothing more than wasted ad spends and a lot of frustration.
CASE STUDY: Ultra-targeted PPC landing pages >> Click here
A/B testing, also known as split testing, refers to a randomized experimentation process wherein two or more versions of a variable, for example Targeted Landing Pages, are shown to different segments of website visitors at the same time to determine which version leaves the maximum impact and drive business metrics. Essentially, A/B testing eliminates all the guesswork out of website optimization and enables experience optimizers to make data-backed decisions.
In A/B testing A refers to ‘control’ or the original testing variable, whereas B refers to ‘variation’ or a new version of the original testing variable. The version that moves your business metrics in the positive direction is known as the ‘winner.’ Implementing the changes of this winning variation on your tested pages can help optimize your website and increase business return of investment (ROI).
The metrics for conversion are unique to each website. For instance, in the case of eCommerce, it may be the sale of the products. A/B testing is one of the components of the overarching process of Conversion Rate Optimization, using which you can gather both qualitative and quantitative user insights. You can further use this collected data to understand user behavior, engagement rate, pain points, and even satisfaction with website features, including new features, revamped page sections, etc.
If you’re not A/B testing your website, you’re surely losing out on a lot of potential business revenue. Get better ROI from existing traffic! As most experience optimizers have come to realize, the cost of acquiring quality traffic on your website is huge. A/B testing lets you make the most out of your existing traffic and helps you increase conversions without having to spend additional dollars on acquiring new traffic. A/B testing can give you high ROI as sometimes, even the minutest of changes on your website can result in a significant increase in overall business conversions.
How to build a Landing Page as a LockTrip Affiliate >> Read here.
When you create a personalized experience with a Targeted Landing Page for your potential customers, the relationship that is built feels natural. In the end it’s that much easier for them to decide they need your product or service today!